#Requires -Version 3.0
function Get-logNameFromDate {
Generates a log file name for use in other scripts
This function simply calculates a file name for the users temp folder
using the date and time of the function call
A file is not actually created by this function, only the name to be used by other functions
Path to the log file path to be created
Name of the log file path to be created
.PARAMETER Extension
Extension fo the log file path to be created
PS C:\> Get-logNameFromDate
Brian McCarty
param (
[string]$name = "$env:username-",
[string]$stamp = (Get-DateISO8601),
[string]$extension = "log"
$logname = "{0}{1}.{2}" -f $name, $stamp, $extension
return $logname
Running the command Get-logNameFeomDate returns the value