Logical Operators
Logical operators are used to connect multiple expressions and/or statements to each other. Allowing for one expression to test against multiple conditions:
Operator: -and
Name: and
Description: logical and
Only true when both statements are true.
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {($_.Length -gt 1MB) -and ($_.Length -lt 10MB)}
Explanation: Will find all files where the size is between 1MB and 10 MB.
Operator: -or
Name: or
Description: logical or
Only true when either or both statements are true.
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {($_.Name –like “*Microsoft*”) –or ($_.Name –like “*Apple*”)}
Explanation: Will find all files where the name includes either “Microsoft” or “Apple”.
Operator: -xor
Name: Exclusive or
Description: logical exclusive or
Only true when one of the statements is true and the other is false.
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {($_.Name –like “*Microsoft*”) –xor ($_.Name –like “*RDS*”)}
Explanation: Will find all files where the name includes “Microsoft” but does not include “RDS”.
Operator: -not
Name: not
Description: logical not
Negates the statement that follows.
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {($_.Name –like “*Microsoft*”) –and –not ($_.Length –gt 1MB)}
Explanation: Will find all files where the name includes “Microsoft” and the file is not greater than 1MB.
Operator: !
Name: not
Description: same as operator –not
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {($_.Name –like “*Microsoft*”) –and !($_.Length –gt 1MB)}
Explanation: same as operator –not