Comparison Operators

Compare values to conditions:

Operator: -eq

Name: Equal to

Description: Use to compare an identical value.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name eq 'PowerShell notes'}

Explanation: Will find all files where the name of the file is equal to ‘PowerShell notes’.

Operator: -ne

Name: Not equal to

Description: Used to compare a different value.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name ne 'PowerShell notes'}

Explanation: Will find all files where the name is not equal to ‘PowerShell notes’.

Operator: -gt

Name: Greater than

Description: Used to compare a different value in size.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Length gt 1MB}

Explanation: Will find all files where the size is greater than 1MB.

Operator: -ge

Name: Greater than or equal to

Description: Used to compare a different or identical value in size.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Length ge 1MB}

Explanation: Will find all files where the size is equal to or greater than 1MB.

Operator: -lt

Name: Less than

Description: Used to compare a different value in size.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Length lt 1MB}

Explanation: Will find all files where the size is less than 1MB.

Operator: -le

Name: Less than or equal to

Description: Used to compare a different or identical value in size.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Length le 1MB}

Explanation: Will find all files where the size is equal to or less than 1MB.

Operator: -like

Name: Like

Description: Match an identical value using a wildcard character.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name like 'PowerShell*'}

Explanation: Will find all files where the name begins with ‘PowerShell’.

Operator: -notlike

Name: Not like

Description: Does not match an identical value using a wildcard character.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name notlike 'PowerShell*'}

Explanation: Will find all files where the name does not begin with ‘PowerShell’.

Operator: -match

Name: Match

Description: Used to compare a string using a regular expression.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name match 'Power'}

Explanation: Will find all files where the name contains ‘Power’.

Operator: -notmatch

Name: Not match

Description: Used to compare a string using a regular expression.


Get-ChildItem | Where-Object {$_.Name notmatch 'Power'}

Explanation: Will find all files where the name does not contain ‘Power’.

Operator: -contains

Name: Contains

Description: Used to see if all of the objects that are provided contain a specific value.


'Microsoft', 'Windows', 'PowerShell' contains 'Power'

Explanation: Looks if the string ‘Power’ is included in all of the provided objects and therefor it will answer ‘False’ to that question.

Operator: -notcontains

Name: Not contains

Description: Used to see if all of the objects that are provided do not contain a specific value.


'Windows', 'PowerShell' -notcontains 'Power'

Explanation: Looks if the string ‘Power’ is not included in all of the provided objects and therefor it will answer ‘True’ to that question.

Operator: -replace

Name: Replace

Description: Used to change the value of an element.


Get-ChildItem include *.doc | Where-Object {$_ replace '.doc', '.docx'}

Explanation: Will find all *.doc files and changes their extension from .doc to .docx

Content by The Scripting Dutchman