Importing CSV File to create users in AD
Create csv file
samAccountName | Name | Department | City | Title | GivenName | SurName |
DonB | DonB | IT | Las Vegas | CIO | Don | Snopes |
GregS | GregS | Janitorial | Denver | Custodian | Greg | Shields |
JeffC | JeffC | IT | Syracuse | Technician | Jeffery | Clicks |
ChrisC | ChrisC | Finance | Las Vegas | Accountant | Christopher | Carter |
Import-csv users.csv | new-aduser
If you want to import in a specific OU
Import-Csv users.csv | New-ADUser -Path 'ou=sales,dc=company,dc=pri'
If the csv isnt formatted correctly
Csv is formatted with invalid column names
LoginName | Department | City | Title | FirstName | LastName |
DonB | IT | Las Vegas | CIO | Don | Snopes |
GregS | Janitorial | Denver | Custodian | Greg | Shields |
JeffC | IT | Syracuse | Technician | Jeffery | Clicks |
ChrisC | Finance | Las Vegas | Accountant | Christopher | Carter |
Import-Csv .\users2.csv |
Select-Object *, @{l='samaccountname';e={$_.LoginName}},
@{l='Surname';e={$_.LastName}} |
Get computer in particular OU
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase 'ou=domain controllers,dc=company,dc=pri' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
Get services from computers in a particular OU
Get-service -computername (Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase 'ou=domain controllers,dc=company,dc=pri' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name)